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2002-08-05 2:37 a.m.

catching up

I am feeling- Incredibly hyper and bouncy for 2:30am

What else I'm doing- Talking to Lemon, playing with my pets, and checking the UWWF board.

Random thought- I have found myself having weird existentialist moments of like "What will people remember about me if I die tomorrow?" type thoughts.

Well, it's been like 3 days from my last entry. I meant to write sooner, honest I did. I just got caught up with sleeping, and stupid work being all encompassing in my headachy mind.

I like my job. It's full time, challenging without being impossible, and most of the other people I deal with seem cool. Sometimes though, I have one of those work days, and it just feels like the entire world is crashing down around you.

In a moment of utter idiocy, I forgot to hit the button to do the End of Week printout on Saturday. Instead, I did it Sunday, at close. I wrote a polite little note and everything. Well, it managed to print out two sheets, when the journal tape ran out. The entire printout stopped, and I felt that beautiful migrane sprouting in full bloom. I added an addendum to my note. I hope they don't kill me. I will explain it to Rich as best as I can, and hope he is not uber-pissed.

What made matters worse is earlier, I had two returns that I went to go give Merchanidise Credits to, that wouldn't take. I ended up going through four instead of two gift cards, cause 2 were like, defective.

My entire weekend was not that bad though. It was actually pretty spiffy.

Friday, I went to work, and was there for four hours. Still, I got over 900 dollars in sales, and ended up making better commission than Lisa, who worked six hours. Then I went and saw K:19, The Widowmaker, with Erik and Meg. I thought I was going to be wicked bored, but the movie turned out to be pretty cool. I found myself wanting to yell at some of the characters. Instead, I comforted myself with consuming the mammoth bag of popcorn Erik and I were supposed to be splitting.

Warning to anyone brave enough to go to a movie with me. I'm one of those annoying people who tends to keep a running commentary going of my thoughts on the movie, whether it be pointing out the obvious problems with some characters behavior, telling Spiderman to use his damn spideysense, or simply mocking the stupider parts. So far, I've only been told to shut up once. People have learned it is far easier to make me, whether through bribery by popcorn, or simply covering my mouth.

I'm debating getting my hair cut. Some parts of it are almost down to my shoulders, and I like the way jawline skimming hair looks on some people, so I'm thinking I might try it. I want to see if I can get a winged effect by having them cut my hair so that it follows my jawline, longer in the front than back. Hopefully it'll look cool. I'll keep you updated.

I'm also considering re-dying my hair. I had dyed it a reddish color. I guess it was more of a purple-red, but I was told it looks good, so it doesn't matter. Anyway, my roots started to grow out, so I got a new box of a slightly redder color, but when I asked Erik about it, he mentioned he likes my natural hair color. Come to think of it, I like my natural hair color too. It is a mahogany, or medium brown with reddish highlights.

Today Erik told me I need to eat better, cause I tend to eat all sorts of junk food. I would like to think I am in good shape, and can have some candy if I feel like it. Admittedly, it is nearly a daily staple, but I take enough vitamins and supplements that I feel I'm healthier than I was a year ago. I took a bit of offense to his comment, interpreting it to mean he felt I still needed to lose weight. I am pretty sure that isn't how he means it, but I could be wrong.

It is 3:30am, and I have a massive craving for nachos, with all the fixings. Beef nachos. I'm sure if you stayed up this late, your mind would be searching out food too. Mine does it as a defense mechanism, otherwise I'd be in a highly populated part of the gutter.

For those of you who don't know, my mind has a special discount pass to the gutter. It even has it's own special corner and drain.

I am going to be staying at Erik's house from Monday through to Thursday, and I'm looking over my stuff. Now, I have to work on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, which will possibly blow monkey chunks, so I have to pack accordingly. Otherwise, I just have to worry about my plethora of vitamin supplements, my cell phone charger, some of my happy lotions, and my cd's. I am sure I will enjoy myself, I will just miss my computer. Still, he told me I could stay home and use him comp while he is in his class, so hopefully I won't be going yet another three days without updating.

Speaking of people who need to update their diaries or journals, I think Meg and Lemon need to understand that when one hardly sees you outside of specific events, one like getting updates on your life in any form.

Instead of ending tonight with a quote, I will instead end it with something a bit different.

Jill's Top Five Favorite Hobbies

5. Singing along with good songs

4. Writing down my thoughts and hopes

3. Playing my different on-line characters

2. Playing with my Neopets

1. Talking, spreading my opinions, and getting somewhere in a conversation

Well, off to the magical world of naptime. Hopefully my laundry will be done in the morning. And yes, it was good popcorn.

Backwards Forwards
Adopt your own useless blob!

Penny Arcade Rocks!

Check out United Wrestling Alliance! Live out your wrestling dreams, even if only on-line!

Kelly Monaco rocks!

Smooshle the Chocobo
Meet my Chocobo, Smooshle!
Caves of Narshe
Click here to get your own Chocobo!

sombrengel got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com

A new Forum for everyone to air their funniest and most annoying work memories! Go read the stories and share your misery!

The People

Jilly's Silly Factules

Jilly's Silly Factule's Part 2

Worst Analogies Ever Written

25 Thoughts to Get You Through Any Crisis

Jill's Gutter Mind Revealed!

Enjoy feeling Brainy!

Bite this!


Singing Lewd Kitties

The Force as a Tool of Satan, find out here

Evil on a budget

8 Bit theater, funny stuff. Be sure to check out Twinkin' Out with the Red Mage

Homestar Runner!

Come and explore one of the BEST Harry Potter based RPG's going! If you apply, tell them Roo sent you :)>

The Onion, America's Finest News Source

Funny Town Names

Museum of Depressionist art, with a twist

Read about Axel and David

Help my brother out - 2004-06-02
I'll send an SOS to the world.. - 2004-06-02
Hack, slash, boom! - 2004-05-17
Cause I'm a repeat offender - 2004-05-04
Don't let it take me away... - 2004-04-29

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