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2002-08-23 2:42 a.m.

The Gutter Mind

All About Jill�s Gutter Mind

This message is for anyone confused by my comment about having a gutter mind. I have gotten a few inquiries on this, so I figured I would explain.

Now, I don�t know when it started, or exactly how to get rid of it, all I know is I seem to think of the absolutely most perverse derivative of most everything I hear. I have that incredible talent where if I so desire, I can also make nearly every word that comes out of my mouth into a double entendre.

I take stupid puns and raunchy jokes to a new level. I can usually control it, but not as well as I would like. I seem to have inherited this trait from my Pampy, which is funny cause he is not a blood relative.

I am that annoying person, who giggles at inappropriate moments, makes that one horribly lewd joke, talks about the stuff most people don�t care to hear. I am the Demon of Tactless Admissions, and I�m damn proud of it. It is all a happy side effect of being blunt.

As an example, one of my friends asked me what I was doing on my day off. My reply? Hopefully getting laid and going shopping. I make statements like that a lot. Of course, while at work, I am all about customer service and being sweet little GNC worker bee.

The gutter mind causes me to do things like listen to a perfectly innocent statement and groan at meaning only I inferred. Or, I make a deliberately appropriate statement that just happens to have a different, more blush-worthy meaning.

I believe I might think about sex more often that most people I know. I�m a highly tactile person, and constantly have realistic dreams, of the type where you can feel things. I also have an over-active imagination and constantly find myself thinking about alternate meanings to songs, words, pictures, and basically anything I come across.

I write and speak in that tactile way. I can�t mention something without trying to explain it so people can see what I�m describing. I think of myself as a highly sensual or sexual person, but sometimes I�m not sure if that makes my constant dirty thoughts acceptable.

I don�t really consider my one-track mind wrong, I mean it makes for interesting conversation, but I can see how it can annoy other people. CJ is constantly going all parental on me, you know, using the mean voice, cause I go overboard. I wish I had internal good taste sensors, but I warn people about my bluntness. So they can suck up and deal.

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