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2002-08-21 2:09 a.m.

Facts page

Silly Jilly Factules

1. I was born December 22, 1978. My mom constantly forgets what year I was born. Also, my mom refused to stop her Christmas shopping when her water broke, and had to be bodily forced to the hospital by my godmother.

2. I was supposed to be a boy. See, my mom had thought throughout the pregnancy that I was going to be male, so they had picked out Ryan Patrick as a name. Jillian Marie came from my Grandma McShea.

3. When I was 12 years old, I was stung by a Portuguese man o�war. It was in August, and they are not in season in Ft. Lauderdale until November. Figures they would find me. I still have the scars.

4. I have this strange habit of rating restaurants by how good their clam chowder is and whether or not they have lemonade.

5. I was once told I looked like a chipmunk. I still believe that I have chipmunk cheeks, but can�t seem to find the stripe down my back.

6. Music is the one thing I would be unable to live without. Take away my TV, hide my phone, but don�t deprive me of background music.

7. I once met the band Garbage. I cried and couldn�t actually say more that �OhmyGod, I love you.� To Shirley Manson, but she was cool. I still have the autographed CD book.

8. My biggest excess in spending would have to be clothing for the LARP. I tend to buy fabulous things I can only wear once, but byGod, do I look good in them. At least I think I do.

9. I tend to get into these moods where I feel totally useless, and wish I could be more productive.

10. I have an over-whelming fear of driving. I keep trying to learn, but get behind the wheel and start shaking.

11. I hate the thought of being alone.

12. I also hate heights. I hate them so badly, that even when people pick me up, I still react like I am being dangled from the edge of a building.

13. High crowd situations make me really tense. I keep feeling as though I am going to get totally separated from my friends and never find them again.

14. I make up my own words, and have my own little language.

15. When I was little, about 3 or 4, I used to imagine a whole city of imaginary people upstairs in my Nanny and Pampy�s old house.

16. I used to really want to be a singer, but I once had a music teacher who said I was a bad soprano. I guess it�s better that I prefer alto then.

17. My favorite cartoon character is Wakko Warner, although I can do a pretty good imitation of Dot.

18. I currently have 3 Cthlu stuffed animals, and want more. This scared one person.

19. I once got arrested for shoplifting, yet never told my family. I was living with a friend at the time.

20. As of this point in my life, I only regret one thing, but I will make up for it.

21. I think of myself as being a good and loyal friend

22. I am an incredibly blunt person. This tends to chafe at some people, but others find it to be one of my better traits.

23. I once began a rumor that I kept invisible bioluminescent monkeys who wear plaid overall and ride po-go sticks in my room. They hung out with my chimerical banana tree, which also grows cherries.

24. I collect good quotes.

25. I also collect stuffed animals, books, and shirts from former boyfriends. I used to have a lot of them, but ever since seeing Erik the others have been mostly phased out.

26. I would like one day to see my writing published.

27. I can do pretty decent imitations of Gwen Stefani, Shirley Manson, and many of the female artists I listen to. One day, I will be able to hit notes like Sarah Brightman.

28. I tend to read the messages in songs and take them personally

29. I love to debate with people

30. I have a rather quick temper, and tend to black out after getting really angry.

31. I bite, kick, punch, have horrible aim when angry but great aim when fine, and know a bit of dirty fighting.

32. I have been in a bunch of community theatre productions, but usually ended up playing being in love with my older brother, so I stopped trying out.

33. I sing along with car radios. Loudly.

34. I enjoy dancing, and especially like to dance where others will see and compliment

35. I tend to doubt my own sanity, but I think everyone does that.

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