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2004-04-29 3:37 p.m.

Don't let it take me away...

I can be such a retard a lot of the times. I can't even go a week without fucking up a seemingly good deal. I'm over it though, fixing things, making a damn good stab at it.

I'm going to do it to, prove that Erik and I will work. Why? Because we are one of the best things that ever happened to each other...

I was about ready to go and deck my coworker's former roomies. They keep giving her shit, and it's not cool.

I am trying to be calm and cool so tomorrow goes well. It's my day off, and I want Erik to actually spend the day with me willingly...

Backwards Forwards
Adopt your own useless blob!

Penny Arcade Rocks!

Check out United Wrestling Alliance! Live out your wrestling dreams, even if only on-line!

Kelly Monaco rocks!

Smooshle the Chocobo
Meet my Chocobo, Smooshle!
Caves of Narshe
Click here to get your own Chocobo!

sombrengel got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com

A new Forum for everyone to air their funniest and most annoying work memories! Go read the stories and share your misery!

The People

Jilly's Silly Factules

Jilly's Silly Factule's Part 2

Worst Analogies Ever Written

25 Thoughts to Get You Through Any Crisis

Jill's Gutter Mind Revealed!

Enjoy feeling Brainy!

Bite this!


Singing Lewd Kitties

The Force as a Tool of Satan, find out here

Evil on a budget

8 Bit theater, funny stuff. Be sure to check out Twinkin' Out with the Red Mage

Homestar Runner!

Come and explore one of the BEST Harry Potter based RPG's going! If you apply, tell them Roo sent you :)>

The Onion, America's Finest News Source

Funny Town Names

Museum of Depressionist art, with a twist

Read about Axel and David

Help my brother out - 2004-06-02
I'll send an SOS to the world.. - 2004-06-02
Hack, slash, boom! - 2004-05-17
Cause I'm a repeat offender - 2004-05-04
Don't let it take me away... - 2004-04-29

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