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2002-08-23 2:29 a.m.

Facts page part 2

More Silly Jilly Factules

36. I once turned my own Nanny in for feeding Smarties to a dolphin at Sea World. I was 9 at the time.

37. I played the violin in 5th grade, but my dream is to learn how to play either the drums or the bass guitar.

38. I am immensely ticklish, but also highly stubborn

39. I am a horrible liar, because I get huge pangs of guilt and eventually out myself. I am again, a very stubborn liar, so instead of straight out lying, I usually repeat my side of things, with a slight twist. Then I use Jill-logic to explain myself.

40. Jill-logic is the multi-tracked thought process upon which my mind works. I tend to be able to hold conversations with myself, think about four or five different subjects, and still get the same answer as the logical people.

41. I know an excessive amount of fact concerning Triple H and Matt Hardy.

42. I am a walking compendium of nutritional information. Working at GNC will do that to a person.

43. I am a huge Celtophile

44. I have a huge fascination with medieval culture.

45. My great-grandmother was Miss Salem, Massachusetts when she was 16.

46. Salem, Massachusetts is one of my favorite places to visit.

47. If I could live anywhere outside of Massachusetts, I would want to live in either San Francisco or San Jose.

48. I have an incredibly foul mouth, but I try and control it by making up random swears

49. I have a child-like sense of humor. I laugh at the stupidest things.

50. I tend to snort embarrassingly when I laugh.

51. I want to learn how to pole dance, because in the right context, it can be incredibly sexy.

52. I still blush whenever I unintentionally swear in front my mom and grandparents.

53. I hate wearing shorts cause I have bright red splotches on my legs. Actually, I have them all over, but they are the most abundant on my legs.

55. A few of the nicknames I have had- My family calls me either Jilly-bean or Beaner, I used to be called Chipmunk and Kitten, Smooshle is a current one, Sombrengel from time to time, Erik likes to call me Dark Angel but in German. This guy Matt used to call me Dirty Girl; my ex- assmunch Kevin called me Incorrigible. Erik used to call me Mandrake, Jilly is a pretty common nickname, and I can�t think of any others.

56. I sometimes talk in an ingratiatingly cute Elmer Fudd manner.

57. I am 5ft 7in tall, but I used to wish I was shorter. Then I started hanging around with giants. Most of the guys I know are at least 6ft tall, which makes me feel cute and tiny.

58. I am a closet Goth. I say closet Goth cause I am far too robust to ever actually be considered Goth. I�m definitely pale enough, but I have way too much T&A to actually look waifish. Still, I look mighty decent in a corset.

59. I can purr like a kitten, meow, growl somewhat, whine like a puppy, bark pretty well, howl like a monkey, neigh like a horse, imitate a seagull, and make ferret noises. I can do other animals, but I�m not listing them all.

60. The only places outside of the US I have been are Canada and Hawaii. I want to go to Australia, Ireland, Italy, England, and Germany.

61. I wear contact lenses during the day, but I have this obsession with non-prescription glasses. I only wear my prescription glasses at night.

62. I have dark brown bordering on black eyes. People seem to believe they are contact lenses, but they are natural. I did have one girl tell me I look like I�m permanently stoned or tripping.

63. The first time I ever had sex I ended up getting poison ivy on my elbow. He got it on his thigh.

64. My favorite foods are buttered popcorn, fried chicken, shrimp, and clam strips, french fries, preferably seasoned ones. Rippled chips, chocolate in most forms. There are more, but too many to list

65. I enjoy taking tests that define personality traits. I also like surveys.

67. I get word a day e-mails, cause I like anything that gives me more to work with.

68. I have a low-level addiction to Neopets.

69. My favorite number is 2 and all even numbers divisible by 2.

70. I have a huge fondness for 80�s music. Hair bands, cheesy pop, early Rap � All that stuff!

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