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2002-08-07 5:03 p.m.

Crazy kitty

I am feeling- Alive and well, albiet a wee bit tired and I have a wicked leg cramp

What else I'm doing- Watching CJ pace Erik's house while talking on his cell phone, trying to vanquish the Devil HTML, and listening to the LARP Club mix.

Strange Thought- The first time I saw Lord of the Rings, I sat there, totally silent. This is rather odd for Jill at a movie.

I swore that I wasn't going to let my diary go for days without being updated, so here I am, typing like a madwoman, just so I don't go back on my word.

My cd is being fuzzy, and I'm blaming it all on that demon AOHell. Still, I love using Erik's computer, if only for the dozens of font choices. I wish my comp had so many. Soon though, Erik and I will move out, and this computer will be my special font-filled plaything.

Well, it seems Lemon and Meg took my notsosubtle hint. I like reading about their lives. It always makes me happy, cause I'm a natural snoop, or I'm just an Eiluned Sidhe. they have to spend a willpower trait in order to avoid meddling.

So, I've been doing a lot of thinking about what direction I want my plots in the LARP to go, and I was all happy because Billy, the person who originated one of my favorite NPC's J-Peg, might be coming to play. We are working on it. At least we got Billy to agree to be in Children of the Sun. That should rock.

I miss playing with Billy. He is one of those guys who would be incredible if he could remember what day it is. Back when Erik and I first started the LARP, we tried talking him into coming, but he consistently forgot about it. Not this time! We will pick his lame ass up and drag him there, bigods! Darien needs her bodyguard, cause Simon has been totally ineffective. Kidding, but J-Peg and Darien go way back.

I like, just finished my "People" page, and realized I need to add stuff. How annoying. I will do that after I finish here.

Sleeping over at Erik's has been pretty spiffy so far, but I must admit that the best part is not having to deal with kicking my brother out of my room at night. Tim is a world class room thief, but he continually pitches a fit when I tell him to get out. This annoys me.

I need to get in touch with Steve so we can write up something for our happy Stilgoe twins, and Mr. Ross. Steve is our main Wraith guide, and I borrowed his plot briefly. I mentioned giving a book to three of the players, so now I have to come up with something for said book. Me and my big mouth.

Otherwise, I'm sorta looking forward to work tomorrow. For the first time since becoming manager, I get to have a meeting with my SSM. I am incredibly nervous, but I'm sure it will be no big thing.

I feel somewhat scrubbish. I haven't showered today, cause I didn't have to work. Erik didn't seem to mind, and I'm sure CJ doesn't care either. I'm the only one who does, but I'm being lazy today.

I got to watch General Hospital today. It's my favorite soap opera, and so good for LARP or Vampire table-top plots. I sat with Erik one day, detailing out all the connections and characters, and he totally agreed. Now I have him hooked, mwahahaha.

I recently finished reading one of the best Terry Prachett Discworld books ever. It was called Witches Abroad, and it's about Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, and Magrat Garlick. Plus, to make my reading experience complete, there was a snippet from the newest book, which will be out in the fall. It's going to be a Watch book, and I can't wait.

I get paid tomorrow. This makes me happy. I hope my check is actually fixed now, cause then I can feel a lot better about being manager.

I am actually really getting into this whole Warhammer thing. I think it's because Erik let me pick out the Army type, and I've been reading through the Codex. This Army is going to kick incredible amounts of ass. They look really spiffy too. I wish I could paint as well as some of my friends. Erik, The Stilgoe's, and CJ put such effort into their armies, that I always feel bad when I pick up a paint brush. I keep hoping one day I'll get better, but no dice yet.

Ah well, I think I have written enough for today. Back to the old ramble, heheh. Shows I'm mostly back to myself. Let's hope it stays that way.

Alright, I found the best Simpson's quote to end tonight with.

Homer: "My wife is not a doobie, to be passed around. On my wedding day, I swore a sacred vow to bogart her for the rest of my life"

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Jilly's Silly Factules

Jilly's Silly Factule's Part 2

Worst Analogies Ever Written

25 Thoughts to Get You Through Any Crisis

Jill's Gutter Mind Revealed!

Enjoy feeling Brainy!

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Singing Lewd Kitties

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Read about Axel and David

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I'll send an SOS to the world.. - 2004-06-02
Hack, slash, boom! - 2004-05-17
Cause I'm a repeat offender - 2004-05-04
Don't let it take me away... - 2004-04-29

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