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2002-08-21 2:22 a.m.

Wibble, wibble

Well, I did a few little happy things. Made a facts page, got one of my favorite lists all posted. Soon, I will start posting when I am more awake, and the world will be spiffy.

I feel really bad, cause I want my friends to be happy, and Danni is my friend, but she isn't too happy right now. Her diary talks about her opinion on friends, which I agree with. I mean, I know being blunt can cause problems, but it saves so much time and bullshit. I would much rather tell somebody that I am in a horrible mood and don't want to deal with them, than grin, bear it, and silently fume about it later.

I like to spread my fuming around. I am not a silent angry person, unless it is at the right time. I mean, sometimes, you just have to sit tere and glare. It can be so fun watching people squirm.

Anyway, I am hoping Erik doesn't mind goign to see Triple X tomorrow with Danni, cause she really needs a friend right now, and I want to be there for her.

I ramble. A lot. I also jump topics and go back to them frequently.

I am a hormonal basket case. One part of me wants to jump in bed and go all out, and the other wants to break into the chocolate frosting and be miserable for a bit. I feel all gross and bloaty, though I have been told I don't look it. I have stress pimples, and can't help but pick at them. I got some stuff to help get rid of them, but I still feel yurky.

Did anyone else watch RAW monday night? There were some great quotes on there. I wrote a few down, for my growing quote collection.

I am starting to get really disenchanted with some wrestling though. It seems like they are trying to make some of my favorites commit career suicide. Like having Triple H battle Shawn Michaels can be so bad for Triple H's career. I mean, Shawn Michaels is uber-popular, and so it Triple H, but Triple H was a fan favorite and then took a massive heel turn. now, don't get me wrong, nobody does heel like Triple H, but so many people like Shawn Michaels. This could be bad.

I've been having pretty odd dreams. They involve this really great house, and a crying baby. I'm running through the house and can't find the baby, and people keep stopping me. I wish I could figure it out.

I am starting to get that nasty malaise associated with working too much. I go into work and feel sluggish, unhappy, and blah. I hope I perk up soon. Lisa thinks I need a vacation. I completely agree with her.

Erik massaged my back earlier, but it is acting up again. I need to find or procure a heating pad.

Have I ever mentioned that the few times I have reserved a hotel room I have felt really awkward, like I was doing something illicit? I mention this, cause depending when Smackdown gets out next tuesday, I will possibly be staying in a hotel in Connecticut. I hope I don't get tainted being there overnight. Eep.

My bed knows lullabies. It is singing one now. Cthlu is doing the nighty-night dance. Time for bed for all little Jilly's to go nightles.

Quote of the day- What the Hell is an Assclown anyways? -JR WWE RAW, in response to Chris Jericho calling Ric Flair an assclown

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Adopt your own useless blob!

Penny Arcade Rocks!

Check out United Wrestling Alliance! Live out your wrestling dreams, even if only on-line!

Kelly Monaco rocks!

Smooshle the Chocobo
Meet my Chocobo, Smooshle!
Caves of Narshe
Click here to get your own Chocobo!

sombrengel got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com

A new Forum for everyone to air their funniest and most annoying work memories! Go read the stories and share your misery!

The People

Jilly's Silly Factules

Jilly's Silly Factule's Part 2

Worst Analogies Ever Written

25 Thoughts to Get You Through Any Crisis

Jill's Gutter Mind Revealed!

Enjoy feeling Brainy!

Bite this!


Singing Lewd Kitties

The Force as a Tool of Satan, find out here

Evil on a budget

8 Bit theater, funny stuff. Be sure to check out Twinkin' Out with the Red Mage

Homestar Runner!

Come and explore one of the BEST Harry Potter based RPG's going! If you apply, tell them Roo sent you :)>

The Onion, America's Finest News Source

Funny Town Names

Museum of Depressionist art, with a twist

Read about Axel and David

Help my brother out - 2004-06-02
I'll send an SOS to the world.. - 2004-06-02
Hack, slash, boom! - 2004-05-17
Cause I'm a repeat offender - 2004-05-04
Don't let it take me away... - 2004-04-29

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